There is something so awesome about going to collect your own eggs, or going shopping and skipping the egg aisle with a smirk on your face! Thinking "I don't need eggs, I got hens, ha-ha".
To receive eggs is so rewarding and the best thing is you hardly need to do anything to get such a fantastic food.
I have always said that a hen could be anyone's pets, they don't need much attention as in patting and stroking, but they do like to hang around you and be in your company. They roam around the garden scratching up insects and chomping on bits of grass and herbs and YES they do like to rummage through your lovely prepared garden beds, that you just planted all your lovely new seedlings in, (my preventative to that is put thorn branches in the beds, until my plants are old enough to fend for themselves). They come when you call, they can be trained to do tricks. To top it off, their poop is perfect for compost. Full of rich Nitrogen. All you got to do is make sure they have feed, water and a sheltered spot, and depending how generous you feeling a little titbit here and there. Who would not want a chicken. I even had an indoor chicken, she lived inside with us, and use to follow me every where I went.
I do a number of things, so that my eggs (and of course chickens) are strong and happy.
Marigolds, I have tons of them and didn't know what to do with them (other than thinking they brighten up my vegetable garden and scare off insects) until I read Fresh Eggs Daily and what she does with her Marigolds. She had said that, dried marigolds fed to your chickens will make their yolk beautifully yellow and placed in there laying pen will help deter insects. They also aid in blood vessel growth and skin tissue repair, as well as being an anti-inflammatory.
For me this was a lovely way to get the kids involved in helping/playing with the chickens and helping me pick tons of Marigolds. Which also gives the Marigolds a chance to carry on growing and not get yanked out.
I also picked some of my basil flowers and heads for drying for the laying pens, as a insect repellent.
They also get there regular handful of meal worms every other day and a tray of sprouts, barley or lentils.
I have always doubt that my broilers would actually contribute to the egg collection. But I suppose after continually hearing her fellow mates yak yak about laying their eggs, she just thought she had to join in.
I caught her laying this egg! I have notice a few times the broilers going into the laying pen to lay an egg. So I say bravo Snow and White, and thank you for your contribution.
For more reading on Marigolds and chickens visit Fresh Eggs Daily

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